A self-service platform for GDP, Life Satisfaction and Education Level

Question: when the company gives you a dataset to build a dashboard before the interview, what should you do?

Step1. Check the datasets, and understand the meaning of each column.

I received two tables

Table 1. Copy of Life Satisfaction VS GDP Extract.csv

Columns: Country Code, Country, GDP per capita, Life satisfaction, Region, Year

Use a pivot table to check the range:

Table 2. Copy of Adult Education Extract.csv

Columns: Country code, Country, Education level, Proportion of population, Year

Use a pivot table to check the range:

So I have concluded that the datasets have

4 dimensions that I can use: Year, Region, Country, Education Level

3 measures that I can compare: GDP per capita, Life satisfaction, and Proportion of education level

Step 2: Identify my objects

  • Show trends for each country

  • Correlations among GDP per capita, Life satisfaction, and Proportion of education level

Step 3: Design the dashboards

3 Dashboards for 3 purposes

  1. From GDP to see Life satisfaction and education level

  2. From education level to see GDP and Life Satisfaction

  3. Relation Between Education Level and GDP per capita

Step 4: Data Validation and Data Cleansing

Fortunately, two tables have no missing values and they can be directly imported into Tableau.

Step 5: Build the dashboard

The finished dashboard has been published: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/xiang.li5182/viz/PersonalProjectsIvyLi/KeyEducation?publish=yes

User Stories

Dashboard 1 From GDP to see Life satisfaction and education level

  • Action1: select different regions to check the minimum, median and maximum GDP values, Life Satisfaction and the average Education Level

  • Action 2: Choose which year users are interested in

  • Action 3: Choose a country on the map and see GDP, Life Satisfaction and Education Level (tooltips also show the same information)

Dashboard 2: From Education Level to see GDP and Life Satisfaction

  • Action 1: Choose one country to check the trend of GDP per capita, Life Satisfaction and Education Level

  • Action 2: Choose the year and Education Level to check which country has a higher value in Education Level

Dashboard 3: Relation between Education Level and GDP per capita

  • Action: Choose which year users want to compare GDP and Education Level among countries to understand if Education Level correlates with GDP

Final words

The dashboarding shows strong interactive features, like adding year slicers and providing filters for all dimensions.