Education-Focused Analysis: How Assessment Types Shape the Final Result

I used Power BI to explore the reasons why changing the mix and weighting of assessment types in presentation 2014J compared with other presentations of module BBB appeared to be associated with a change in final results. The task shows my Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Data Engineering, Data Visualisation, and Story Telling skills.

The published report:

Data and Relevant Files are here:


The Open University has launched a series of modules (courses) and collected user interaction data over two years. The academic module leader would like to discuss with other staff teaching on the module:

  • Why changing the mix and weighting of assessment types in presentation 2014J compared with other presentations of module BBB appeared to be associated with a change in final results.

Data Source

Open University Learning Analytics dataset

7 Tables:

  1. courses.csv

  2. assessments.csv

  3. vle.csv

  4. studentInfo.csv

  5. studentRegistration.csv

  6. studentAssessment.csv

  7. studentVle.csv

Database schema

Data Validation

I summarised pivot tables to understand the categories and the range of numbers

Data Cleansing

I used Python to filter data, only module BBB data was kept

The code can be found on my Github:

I recorded the changes of cleansed dataset for future review

Power BI Step

Generated Parquet files were imported in the Power BI and the 7 tables were created relationship using Data Modelling

Page 1 Overview of Module BBB

The data was collected during 2013 and 2014, they have 2 presentation types B and J, B started in February, and J started in October. There are 4 Presentation Types, 2013B, 2014B, 2013J, and 2014J.

For Assessment Types, 2014J was composed of Exam and Tutor Marked Assessments, while other Presentations have Computer Marked Assessments.

  • For 2014J, different assessment types have different weights, id 15023 and id 15024 weighted 35, and id 15020 weighted nothing.

  • For other presentations, Computer Marked Assesments counted for 5%, each assessment counted for 1%

Page 2 Student Persona

The most significant feature is more female students registered for the module BBB than male students

Students preferred to register for presentation J than B.

Page 3 Final Results

  • The Pass percentage of 2014J is higher than other presentations

  • The distribution of scores for Computer Marked Assessments and Tutor Marked Assessments is different

Page 4 Relationship

I used a measure Percentage_Below40 (%) = DIVIDE(    COUNTROWS(FILTER('studentAssessment_BBB', [score] < 40)),    COUNTROWS('studentAssessment_BBB'),    0) * 100

to calculate the fail percentage for each assessment.

The final words